BOCO Cider, Boulder, 4-6pm


About the CBDs

Now Playing:

The TRIO version, 

fit for smaller venues



Very Nice Brewing Company, Nederland, 4-6pm

Upcoming Gigs

the CBDs


March 2024: We are in our eleventh year of the CBDs! That's right--it was eleven years ago that we emerged from a time-space-wormhole, three once-upon-a-hippie local dudes re-creating a lost seventies' folk-rock party jam band known as the CBDs. We're old school, playing a groovy mix of the great New American Folk-Rock songbook, putting our own spin on old favorites and originals by the band. We released an album last year--19 songs without a single out-take. Hey, I know, we even surprised ourselves! It's on bandcamp, there's a link at the top of the page. The CBDs will rock your party without knocking down the walls and guarantee a good time.

The sad news is that we lost two dear friends in 2022 who were supremely important to this band: Sharon Ferguson (the band chick's den mother) and Greg Staab (our bassist of the last 9 years). Both will be sorely missed.

It's regroovable, man!

Medicinal Music that's good for what ails ya

Wanna hear the new album? Press the blue button to the right or plug it into your browser: